
Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 1

Ugh! I gingerly stepped on the scale this morning and quickly jumped back off. Could that be right?! Slowly, I stepped back on again, and yes - sadly, it was right. 225 pounds. Wasn't I at 217 just 2 months ago? I guess I have even more incentive to do this 30 day challenge! You know, the past 2 months have been very stressful for me and obviously, stress does not agree with me.

Here are my starting stats:
  • Weight: 225
  • Waist: 44"
  • Butt: 47"
  • Hips: 45.5"
  • Left thigh: 29"
  • Right thigh: 29"
You have no idea how much I do NOT want to post this info. I mean, seriously! Do you see the fat trend here? But I know how I am, and by putting this out there - I'm giving myself a huge reason to stick with this plan. I hope to see every single one of the those numbers go down in 30 days! My exercise post will come later - since I haven't done that yet today - but I will!!

Now for the reward part! I've been trying to come up with something that will really give me incentive to succeed. For me, that's a haircut - I really don't know why I keep letting my hair grow out because I end up hating it every time! So, at the end of these 30 days, after I've exercised every day and after the numbers have gone down - I will treat myself to a haircut and color.

For those of you who are going to join me, please let me know so that we can keep each other accountable! Think of a reward that will give you incentive to succeed. And if you're brave - post your "stats" too!


Anonymous said...

You go girl!! i so want to lose some weight too! My goal right now is to watch the Carbs i put into my body. i love bread and so that is ONE thing i'm cutting out. right behind you supporting you in this endeavor! we can do this! love you,

Rhoda said...

That was me, rhoda,